1960-1970 (Administrative)
Mostly typewritten correspondence, notes, meeting notices, memoranda, reports, printed material, and miscellaneous items regarding alumni affairs; board of trustees; faculty and staff; and student affairs. Included is correspondence regarding awards, donations, scholarships, etc., with the following: Donors and Friends of Hampton Institute (a general file in alphabetical order); Avalon Foundation; Avon Products, Incorporated; Edna McConnell, Clark Foundation, Incorporated; Booth Ferris Foundation; Civil Liberties Educational Foundation; Dorris Duke Foundation; Thomas Alva Edison Foundation; ESSO Education Foundation; Ford Foundation; General Electric Foundation; Grundy Foundation; Harmon Foundation; James Foundation; Johnson Foundation; Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation; Robert R. Moton Memorial Foundation, Incorporated; National Committee of the United States- Nigerian Foundation; National Football Foundation and Hall of Fame; National Science Foundation; Old Dominion Foundation; Pressing Foundation; Richard King Mellon Foundation; Rockefeller Foundation; Silver Anniversary All-American Foundation, Incorporated; Alfred Sloan Foundation; Smith, Kline and French Foundation; Southern Education Foundation; Stevens Brothers Foundation; Taconic Foundation; Teagle Foundation; Weimyss Foundation; Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation; Angus Ta Laney Hoeing Fund; Fund for the Advancement of Education; Mrs. Harry Dresser Howe Memorial Fund; National Defense Student Loan Fund; National Scholarship Services and Fund for Negro Students; Phelps-Stokes Fund; President's Discretionary Fund; Southern Fellowship Fund; United Negro College Fund; Walter R. Brown Scholarship Fund; Baker Associates Scholarships; Dr. W. Adrian Freeman Scholarship; Lester B. Granger, trustee India Scholarship; martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship; Ward H. and Mirian Canady Educational and Charitable Trusts; and Charles E. Merrill Trust.
1964-1969 (Centennial Fund Campaign Hampton Institute)
Mostly typewritten correspondence, reports, memoranda, newspaper clipping and miscellaneous items. Included is material regarding budgets, committees, donors, pledges, programs, projects, receipts and sponsors (local and national).
1960-1970 (Companies and Corporations)
Mostly typewritten correspondence with A.B. Dick-Copying/ Duplicating Products; American Broadcasting Company; Armco Steel Corporation; the Associated Press; The Atlantic Council of the United States, Incorporated; Avco Corporation; Avon Products; Bache and Company; Campbell Soup Company; Carnegie Corporation; Celanese Corporation; the Chase Manhattan Bank; Clifton Center, Incorporated; Eastman Kodak Company; F. Eberstadt and Company; General Foods Corporation; General Motors Corporation; Henderson Travel Service, Incorporated; IBM (International Business Machines) Corporation; International Harvester Corporation; International Latex Corporation; J.C. Penney Company, Incorporated; the Journal and Guide Publishing Company; Lever Brothers; Mason and Company; McDonnell Aircraft Corporation; Newport
News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company; Nuclear Instruments and Accessories; RCA (Radio Corporation of America); radio and television stations (local); Reynold's metal Company; Scott Paper Company; Sperry and Hutchinson; Sun Oil Company #2; Sun Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company; Time Incorporated; Trimester System; Union Carbide Corporation; Uniroyal, Incorporated; United States Shoe Corporation; United States Steel Corporation; Webster Publishing Company; Western Electric Company; Whirlpool Corporation; WVEC-Television; and Xerox Corporation.
1965-1969 (Cornell Exchange Program)
Mostly typewritten information regarding the administrative exchange; administrative proposals; annual reports; applications for undergraduate foreign students; budget information for Cornell-Sierra Leone; Budget information (general); Dr. Broadus Butler; Dr. Paul Carnel; chartered flights; Cooperative Program appointments; course offerings; the dean of women; debate team; development program; development material; developmental activities program; Elementary Education Workshop; English Department; Evaluations/Evaluation Committee; faculty exchange; financial statements; Dr. Hugh M. Gloster; graduate studies at Cornell; invoices and requisitions; itinerary of visiting lecturers; medical program- Cornell; Professor Chandler Morse; news releases; proposals for undergraduate housing at Cornell; statements/ Hampton-Cornell; testing bureau; Title III information; travel expense forms; United States/State Department; University Center in Virginia; Virgin Islands; Virginia (State Department); visiting lecturers (biographical sketches); visitors from Africa; vouchers; Women's Club (Hampton Institute); working papers related to request for funds incidental to the Cornell Exchange Program; and World Affairs Information Center.
1960-1970 (Curriculum)
Mostly typewritten correspondence, reports, meeting notices, memoranda, printed materials, and miscellaneous items related to Advance Placement Program (all components); Advance Study Program; Department of Architecture; Art Department; Division of Arts and Sciences; Division of Athletics; Athletics Committee; Director of Athletics; Division of Business; Colored Intercollegiate Athletic Association (CIAA); College Entrance Examination Board; College Language Association; College Level Examination Program Class Schedules; Communications Center; Computer Center; Cooperative Development Program; Cultural Arts Series; Department of Early Childhood Education; Direction of Education; Education and World Affairs; Educational Data; Educational Services, Incorporated; Educational Television; Electronics Department;
Department of Elementary Education; Engineering; Experienced Teacher Fellowship Program; Division of General Education; Governor's Conference on Education; Division of Graduate Studies; Guidance Training Institute; Homecoming; Department of Home Economics; Humanities Institute-Human Relations; Industrial Education Summer Session; Institute of Higher Education; Institute of International Education; Institute for Service to Education; Hampton Institute Nongraded Laboratory School; Library (Collis P. Huntington Memorial ); Marine Biology; Marine Science; Department of Mathematics; Department of Music; Musical Arts Society; Museum; Department of Natural Science (research projects); Division of Nurse Education; Department of Secretarial Services; Operations Crossroads; Department of Physical Education, Health and Recreation; Program for Afloat Education (PACE); Project Head Start; Project Potential; Project STEP; Project Upward Bound; Reading Clinic; Reading Data (Freshman); Division of Research Grants; Reserve Officers' Training Corps; Department of Social Science; Social Science Institute; Summer Internship Program; Summer Literary Society; Summer Session; Division of Teacher Education; Division of Technology; Technology Cooperative Education Program with Industry; Urban Studies; Department of Vocational Education.
1960-1970 (Educational Institutions)
Mostly typewritten correspondence, reports, printed materials, newspaper clippings, miscellaneous memoranda, and pictures. Among the correspondents are Allen University Alumni Association; Atlanta University; Bluefield State College; California Institute of Technology; Carnegie Institute of Technology; University of Cincinnati; University of Connecticut-Hampton Institute Exchange Program; Delaware State College; Dentist College; Duke University- Medical Center; Elizabeth City State College; Fairleigh-Dickinson University; Hampton City Schools; Harvard Summer School; Harvard, Yale, Columbia Intensive Summer Studies Program; Hobart and William Smith Colleges; Howard University; Knox College; Kecoughtan Veterans Administration Center; Morehouse College; Morgan State College; New York University; New York Public Library; North Carolina College at Durham; Northeastern University; Northfield and mount Hermon Schools; Northwestern University; Oklahoma City Public Schools; Old Dominion College; Phillip Exeter Academy; Princeton Conference; St. Augustine's College; Scarritt College; Stanford University; Tuskegee Institute; Union College; University Center in Virginia; University College of the Western Indies; Virginia Union University; University of Virginia; Wellesley College; University of Wisconsin; Yale Summer High School.
1960-1970 (Foreign Affairs)
Typewritten correspondence, reports, printed materials, newspaper clippings, pictures, and miscellaneous items related to foreign students and the Foreign Studies Program. Included is information regarding Africa, Brazil, England, the Caribbean and the Virgin Islands.
1960-1970 (Correspondence)
Mostly typewritten correspondence and biographical data. Among the correspondents are William H. Brady, Jr.; Stokey Carmichael; Miss Carol Cline; George R. Cooper; John Corley; John W. Davis; The Honorable Arthur H. Dean; Robert J. Dewey; Gary De. Young; David C. Driskwell; Thomas Alva Edison; Sidney Dodd Frissell (son of Dr. Frissell); Jose Garcia; Edgar M. Gemmell; Miss Lois Gilbert; Miss Eleanor Gilman; Dr. Edward K. Granham; Mrs. Naomi Gray; Dr. Newman A. Hall; Mrs. Julia D. Hayes; Mrs. Charles Hoeing; Dr. Hannibal E. Howell; Tiny Hutton; Arnold W. Johnston; Thelma Jones; Jacob M. Kamara; Dr. William Kearney; Vivien Kellems; Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; W.W. Laird; Maurice DuPont Lee; Jerry May Lewis; Herbert H. Lindsey; Dorothy Martin; Dr. K.O. Mbadwe; Mr. Z.H. Milburn; Gunnas Myrda; Dr. Ernest Neal; The Honorable Kwame Nkrumah; Dr. E.M. Norris; Alfred Panepinto (architect for Centennial Campus Building Project); Dr. William P. Patterson; Celestine M. Pleasents; The Honorable Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.; B.N. Puryear; Albert O' Reid; Hilyard R. Robinson; Martin Schneider; Dr. Edgar Thomas; Mrs. Nida E. Thomas; Harold D. Uris; and Richard Wright.
1960-1970 (Organizations and Agencies)
Mostly typewritten correspondence, reports, printed materials; memoranda and miscellaneous items. Among the correspondents are AFL-CIO; American Council Commission on Federal Relations; American Council on Education; American Council for Emigrants in the Professions, Incorporated; American National Red Cross; American Security Council; Atomic Energy Commission; Bou Scouts of America; Community Action Agencies; Cultural Development in Virginia; Office of Economic Opportunity; Fire Fighting Organization; Food and Drug Administration (Citizens Advisory Committee); Governors Conference- Human Rights and Opportunities (Connecticut, Buffalo, New York); Higher Education (United States Office of Education); Manpower Training (City of Hampton); Manpower Utilization Conference; the Medical Bureau; National Advisory Commission on Selective Service; National Advisory Council on Health Research Facilities; National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); National Assembly on Teaching the Principles of the Bill of Rights; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; National Association of Intercollegiate Activities; National Association of College Deans and Registrars; National Athletic Steering Committee; National Beta Club; National Beta Club; National Citizens Committee for Public Television; National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA); National Commission of Accrediting Board; National Commission of Cooperative Education; National Committee for Children and Youth; National Conference of Christians and Jews; National Defense Education Act; National Education Association; National Fellowship; National Industrial Conference Board, Incorporated; National Institute of Health; National Institution of Science; National Planning Association; National Safety Council; National Scholarship Fund for Negro Students; National Skills Bank Project; NCAA-Soccer Tournaments; National Student Association; National research Council; New England Conference (Northfield and Mount Hermon Schools); Pan- American Union; Pan-Hellenic Council; Peace Corps; Peninsula Chamber of Commerce; Peninsula Community Service Plan; Peninsula Ministers Alliance; Peninsula Regional Council; PomFret International Affairs Seminar;Prince Edward County Survey (NAACP); Regional Education Laboratory (Carolina and Virginia); Secondary Principals' Conference; Southern Regional Council, Incorporated; Southern Regional Education Board; Tidewater upervisors Council; United Nations; United States Agriculture Extension Work; United States Civil Service; United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (Food and Drug Administration, Office of Higher Education, Bureau of Higher Education, Public Health, Vocational Rehabilitation); United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUB); United States Information Agency; United States Department of Justice (Immigration and Naturalization Service); United States Department of Labor; United States Department of Navy; United States Department of State; United States Department of State (President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity); United States Track and Field Federation; the National Urban League; Veterans Administration; Virginia Civil War Commission; Virginia Commission on Higher Education Facilities; Virginia Cultural Development Study Commission; Virginia State Board of Education; Virginia Governors' Conference on Education; and Virginia State Teachers Association.
1960-1970 (Miscellaneous Information)
Mostly typewritten information of miscellaneous nature including newspaper clippings, correspondence, memoranda, pictures and reports.
1960-1970. (Chronological and General Files)
Mostly typewritten correspondence arranged alphabetically and chronologically regarding a variety of subjects.