Dr. G. Robert Cotton, a graduate of Hampton Institute, received his Ph.D. from Ohio State University. He has been a public school teacher, a college professor, and an administrator at Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Missouri.
Dr. William H. Martin attended public schools in Pasadena, California. An alumnus of Wilberforce University, he earned his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Ohio State University. He began his professional career in 1933 as professor of education at Shorter College, North Little Rock, Arkansas.
James Edgar Gregg was born in Hartford, Connecticut and attended Cutler Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He received two degrees from Harvard University, a bachelor of arts in 1897 and a master of arts in 1901.
Roscoe Lewis 1920-1967 including bibiographies, business, Negro in National Defense Conference, films and reels concerning the Negro in America, miscellaneous, newpaper clippings, notes, personal file, photographs and testimonials.