Moron, Alonzo Graseano - Papers

Date from: 
Date to: 
Record Group: 
Principals and Presidents

1949-1959 (Administrative)

Handwritten and typewritten correspondence, notes, meeting notices, reports, printed materials and miscellaneous items regarding the Board of Trustees, faculty, educational support staff, and student affairs which includes correspondence from the American Foundation for the Blind, Carnegie Foundation, Danforth Foundation, Field Foundation, Ford Foundation, Harmon Foundation, James Hazen, Manson Mellow, Richard King, National Science Foundation, Reader's Digest, Rockefeller Foundation, Southern Education Foundation, Vitiligs Foundation, John H. Whitney Foundation, Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship (fund for adult education), Fund for the Advancement of Education (Atlantic City Conference), Commonwealth Fund, Fort Royal Educational Fund Committee, Irene Elizabeth Memorial Fund Prize, James Foundation Fund, Phelps-Stokes Fund, Peninsula United Fund, Pepsi-Cola Scholarship Fund, Robert Rush Anderson, Memorial Fund (Mrs. Samuel Chapman Armstrong), Baker Associates, the Caribbean and Virgin Islands, the Ford Program Sequence, Mrs. William R. Morley, and Union Carbide Education Fund.

1949-1959 (Alumni)

Alumni Affairs- typewritten correspondence reports, speeches, meeting notices, notes, printed matter and miscellaneous items regarding the following subjects: Alumni Associations and Committees (local and national); Alumni Awards; Alumni Christmas letters and general information letters from the president; Alumni Donors lists; the Alumni Record (publication); Alumni Reunions; Treasurer's Reports; and the Alumnus Corporate program.

1949-1959 (Companies and Corporations)

Mostly typewritten correspondence from the following: Arma Corporation; Bank of New York; Carnegie Corporation, Adult Education for Negroes; Chesapeake and Ohio Railway; the Chicago Defender; the Daily Press; General Food Corporation; IBM (International Business Machines) Corporation; John Price Jones Company; United States Steel Foundation, Incorporated; United States Trust Company; Everett Waddey Company.

1949-1959 (Curriculum)

Handwritten and typewritten correspondence, reports, meeting notices, printed materials and miscellaneous items related to the Division of Adult Education; Department of Agriculture; Department of Architecture; Art Department; Director of Athletics; Department of Biology; Department of Business, Division of Business; business management; Department of Chemistry; Department of Early Childhood Education; Department of Education; Educational Program for/and Subsequent Years; educational television; engineering; expositions (agriculture and home economics, Negro in industry); freshmen studies (remedial mathematics, remedial English); Division of General Studies; Division of Graduate Study Education; Health-Physical Education Conference; Department of Home Economics; Industrial Arts Education; Instructional Program; Internship Program; Liberal Education (proposed program); Department of Library (evaluations- lists of essential books not found in Huntington Library); mathematics; Department of Music; Musical Arts Society; Department of Nurse Education; Department of Physical Education; Department of Physics; Pre-College for High School Graduates Program; Professional Preparation for Schools in Transition (correspondence, course outline, list of peninsula teachers, suggested materials); Reading Clinic proposals; Reading Program; Research Patterns; Reserve Officers' Training Corps (Summer Camp); Self-Study Program (Periodic Visitation Program); Department of Social Science; Summer Session (comparative study, discontinuance items); Summer Study Programs; Division of Teacher Education; Division of Technology (enrollment); Division of Trades and Industries (enrollment).

1949-1959 (Educational Institutions)

Mostly typewritten correspondence among which can be found letters from Atlanta University; Brown University; Delaware State College; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (report to the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools- Academic Year  (1953-1954); Herald Tribune High School Forum; Highlander Folk School; Hirshon Institute; Howard University; Institute of International Education; Integration Center- ( owned facilities); Kamehametta Schools; Merril-Palmer Institute; Mills College; Moton School; Negro college and universities; Phenix School; regional schools; Richmond Public Schools; Tuskegee Institute; University Center of Virginia; Virginia State College; Virginia State School; Virginia Union University; Wilberforce University; and Yale University.

1949-1959 (Foreign Affairs)

Typewritten correspondence, reports, and printed materials related to the following: Africa; African Students; American Society of African Culture; American West Indian Association; China; Hungarian Refugees; India; Jamaica; Travels (Cuba, India, Mexico, Nova Scotia, the Virgin Islands); correspondence with the government; students; Youth Conference; VTA-African Study Mission - VTA - Proposal for an African Institute.

1949-1959 (General)

Mostly typewritten correspondence among which can be found letters from Abraham L. Baron; Alan Cogwell Bemis; Mrs. Mae Boone; Hugh V. Brown; William C. Brown; Ralph J. Bunche; Phillip Campbell; Marian P. Cappo (Mrs. John W.); Victor Carr; Endora M. Cooper; Judge Curlis; A. Stuart Davis; John W. Davis; Hendrick De Kauffman; Paul E. Drost; the George Eastman House; Dr. Edwin R. Deccassell Empree; Appie C. Felder; Thomas K. Finletter; Dr. G. James Fleming; Dr. H.W. Foote; George Goodwill; James M. Griffin; Zuhair M. Hamdan; Joseph E. Healy; Frederick W. Hoeing; Dr. Dwight Holmes; Arthur Howes; Reginald A. Jackson; Ralph E. James; Omotounde E. Johnson; Karen Kehoe; John F. Koos; Farrell Saundre Kwesi-Cuthbert; George H. Leader; Dorothy S. Lewis; Harold E. Mazyck, Jr.; Dr. Nancy B. McGhee; Julie Medlock; Horace W. Melvin; Dr. Meyersburgh; Francis K. Mwangi; Charles H. Nichols, Jr.: William Noblet (Estate of ); Geoffrey C.N. Okumabua; Mr. Yong Park; Percival B. Perry; Drurry O. Phillip; Alice Powell; Theodore C. Pratt; Joseph Pugh; Pauline J.S. Puryear; William L. Queen; Dr. Robert R. Moton; William H. Robinson; Robert Roth; Lamain Ousman Sanneh; Josephine Y. Seiwoh; John Sewey; Shirley Smith; C.P. Ferdinand Stevens; Olivia Pearl Stokes; Marlou Switten; Ruth E. Taylor; Estelle e. Thomas; Benjamin Wigfall; and J.W. Wundch.

1949-1959 (Organizations and Agencies)

Mostly typewritten correspondence, reports and printed materials from various organizations and agencies. Among the correspondents are the American Association of University Women; American Christian Palestine Committee; American College Personnel Association; American Council on Education; American Field Services; American Friend Service Committee; American National Red Cross; American Universities Field Staff; Association of American Colleges; Association of College and Research Libraries; Association for Study of Negro Life and History; Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association; city of Hampton, Hampton, Virginia; City of Hampton Public schools; Commission on Civil Rights; Elks Association; Fire Fighting Organization; Hampton Roads Boys Club; Housing and Home Finance Agency; Intercollege Dramatic Association; International Cooperation Administration; International Platform Association; Journal of the National Medical Association; Manufacturing Chemists Association, Incorporated; Mental Hygiene Society; National Alumni Associations, Clubs, and Committees; National Architectural Accrediting Board; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; National Association of Collegiate Deans and Registrar; National Association of Intercollege Athletics; National Collegiate Athletic Association; National Commission on Accrediting; National Conference on Higher Education; National Council of Negro Women; National Defense Counseling and Guidance training Institute; National Defense Education Act; National Education Association (NEA); National League for Nursing, Incorporated; National Manpower Council; National Negro Business League; National Negro Insurance Association; National Newspaper Publishers Association (Mid-Winter Workshop); National Student Association; National Technical Association; National Urban League; New York State Stock Exchange Association; New York Times; Pittsburg Courier; Student Christian Association; Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association; United Community Defense Services; United Negro College Fund; UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization); United Publications; United States Department of Agriculture (Foreign Agricultural Service); United States Air Force; United States Army, Fort Monroe, Virginia; United States Defense Office; United States Department of Agriculture, Health, Education, and Welfare; United States National Student Association; United States Printing Office; United States Treasury (Department of Internal Revenue); Veterans Administration; Veterans Bureau; Virginia State Board of Education; Virginia Teachers Association; Virginia Vocational Rehabilitation Service; and Young Men's Christian Association.

1949-1959 (Miscellaneous)

Correspondence, newspaper clippings, and records of miscellaneous nature.

Alonzo Graseano Moron - Papers