Dr. William H. Martin attended public schools in Pasadena, California. An alumnus of Wilberforce University, he earned his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Ohio State University. He began his professional career in 1933 as professor of education at Shorter College, North Little Rock, Arkansas. In 1934 he moved to Tyler, Texas, where he held the position of professor of education at Texas College for five years. He also served as acting dean two of those five years. In 1939 he became dean of Dunbar Junior College and remained in that position until 1943 when he assumed the duties of principal of Dunbar High School, Little Rock, Arkansas. Dr. Martin was coordinator of Negro education in the Oklahoma cooperative program and director of the Division of Education at Langston University in Oklahoma until 1945. He joined the staff at Hampton Institute in 1955 and directed the Division of Teacher Education and was also dean of faculty from 1955-1965. In 1956 he became director of the Hampton Institute Self-Study Program. He was also involved with the Hampton Institute-Sierra Leone project from 1961-1963.